Thank you Ginger over at GReads for putting An Open Letter to My YA Self together and inviting me to take part.
Dear Teenage Jen,
If I could give you a few pieces of advice to help you through these years, I would tell you...
Be yourself. All the time in every situation. Stop trying to be who you think every one wants you to be. You'll only wear yourself out. There is only one you. Learn to love her, flaws and all.
Guard your heart. In friendship and in love. I wish I could tell you those friends and that boy are still around, especially after promising forever, but they're not. And you're better off for it.*
Look for the funny in every situation. Smile more. Life doesn't always go the way you think it will. Learning to laugh at yourself and the situation will make the painful times easier to bear.
Know when to ask for help. Teenagering is hard. So is Adulting. Weakness is not admitting a struggle or asking for help, that's bravery. You are only weak when you keep it all locked inside.
Don't give up on your dreams. Ever. They may change or be put on hold, but they aren't dead until you are. You still have time. (Except for that one where you ride off into the Boston sunset with Joey McEntire from NKOTB. You can kiss that one goodbye, because it's never gonna happen.)
Love often. Be the kind of person other people want to have around. And not just for the cupcakes.
*Whichever one of your friends told you it was a good idea to wear those pearl clip-on earrings lied to you.
You're not a reader---yet, but you will be one day.
This term, DUFF isn't around yet, but it describes how you feel now and even when you're older. Know that you will never conquer the self-esteem beast, but you will learn to master it.
You will read this in a few years and very nearly pee your pants from laughing so hard. Why? Because it basically sums up your high school experience minus the STD.
You are never alone, no matter how alone you may feel.
~ Schedule ~
- Mon, March 30 - Intro post at GReads! (
- Tues, March 31 - Dianne @ http://oopsireadabookagain.
com - Wed, April 1 - Erin @ http://thehardcoverlover. - Thurs, April 2 - Gaby + Lisa @
- Fri, April 3 - Hazel @
- Mon, April 6 - Brittany @ http://www.bookaddictsguide.
com - Tues, April 7 - Candice @
- Wed, April 8 - Jordi @ http://abottomlessbookbag.
com - Thurs, April 9 - Lauren @
- Fri, April 10 - Tiff @
- Mon, April 13 - Andi @
- Tues, April 14 - Willa @
- Wed, April 15 - Sarah @
- Thurs, April 16 - Heather @ http://www.theturningpages.
com - Fri, April 17 - Alexa @ http://www.alexalovesbooks.
com - Mon, April 20 - Joli @ http://actinupwithbooks. - Tues, April 21 - Margie @ http://bumblesandfairytales. - Wed, April 22 - Jenna @
- Thurs, April 23 - Carmel @
- Fri, April 24 - Kyla @ http://bookbuddiesph. - Mon, April 27 -
- Tues, April 28 - Christy @ http://novel-ink.blogspot.
com - Wed, April 29 - Jen @ http://jenuinecupcakes. - Thurs, April 30 - Jaime @ http://fictionfare.blogspot.
com - Fri, May 1 - Lauren @ http://www.
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