Welcome to Jenuine Cupcakes, this is my stop on the INSIDE OUT blog tour which is being hosted by Good Choice Reading.
Author: Lia Riley
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary Romance
Publication: December 2nd, 2014
When Talia first moved from California to Australia to study abroad, she never dreamed she'd find the love of her life. Bran understands her like no one ever has before. And despite the numerous challenges they've faced, they've always managed to figure out how to stay together. But this time they'll face their toughest hurdle yet. Is their love strong enough to keep them together?
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~ My Thoughts ~
That bicep though. ;) But really, these covers are so pretty!
I first began this series, I figured I was jumping into another
contemporary NA where: Girl meets Boy (in this case, halfway around the
world). They flirt. They kiss. They do----smexy stuff. Girl has a
traumatic past, Boys attempts to fix her. They breakup. Get back
together. More smexy stuff. Live HEA. The End.
But that isn't what happened with this series.
At all.
Instead, I got a front row seat to what a real relationship between two people who are complex, quirky and flawed looks like. Bran
and Talia aren't even from the same country, let alone the same
Continent, so they have to work extra hard if they want to make a go at
this thing called, LIFE, together.
And they do.
there for each other in good times and bad, sickness and health,
success and failure...I now pronounce you, Bran and Talia!
seriously, when one is caught in a riptide of insecurity and
self-loathing, the other one dives right in and helps keep them afloat
until they both make it back to shore.
one of them is struggling to overcome their demons and wants to find an
easy way out, the other reminds them, the only way out is through.
Because that's what you do when you love someone. I enjoyed watching
Bran and Talia grow, both as individuals and as a couple and INSIDE OUT
is the perfect ending for the OFF THE MAP series!
I'm really going to miss ~ About Lia ~
Lia Riley writes offbeat New Adult Romance. After studying at the University of Montana-Missoula, she scoured the world armed only with a backpack, overconfidence and a terrible sense of direction. She counts shooting vodka with a Ukranian mechanic in Antarctica, sipping yerba mate with gauchos in Chile and swilling XXXX with stationhands in Outback Australia among her accomplishments. When not torturing heroes (because c'mon, who doesn't love a good tortured hero?), Lia herds unruly chickens, camps, beach combs, daydreams about as-of-yet unwritten books, wades through a mile-high TBR pile and schemes yet another trip. She and her family live in Northern California.
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~ Giveaway ~
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December 1st
- Kimberlyfaye Reads (http://kimberlyfayereads.com)
- Karen's Book Haven (https://www.facebook.com/ karensbookhaven)
- Spicy, Small Town Romance Serve Here (http://smcraig.com/blog/)
- Soulmates Talk About Books (http://soulbookblog.blogspot. mx/)
- Romance and Fantasy for Cosmopolitan Girls (http://fidibooksblog. blogspot.com/)
- Travels n Reads (http://www.travelsnreads.com)
- BookMovieBlog (http://thebookblogreview. tumblr.com/)
December 2nd
- A Life Bound By Books (http://alifeboundbybooks. blogspot.com/)
- Gemma Reads Too Much For It To Be Normal Book Blog (http:// gemmareadstoomuchforittomenorm al.blogspot.co.uk)
- Lustful Literature (http://lustfulliterature.com)
- Books by Migs (http://booksbymigs.com)
- Book Baristas (http://bookbaristas. wordpress.com)
- Inside the Pages of a Book (www.insidethepagesofabook.com )
- The Caffeinated Booknerd (http:// thecaffeinatedbooknerd. blogspot.com/)
- Once Upon a Book Blog (www.onceuponabookblog.com)
December 3rd
- Teacups & Book Love (http://teacupsandbooklove. blogspot.com)
- A Bookish Escape (http://www.abookishescape. com/)
- Hopeless Book Lovers Www.hopelessbooklovers. wordpress.com)
- Typical Distractions (http://typicaldistractions. wordpress.com/)
- Breathless Ink (www.breathlessink.com)
- Little Bookworm Reviews (www.littlebookwormreviews. blogspot.com)
- Mythical Books (http://www.mythicalbooks. blogspot.ro/)
December 4th
- Book Lit Love (http://www.booklitlove.com)
- Four Chicks Flipping Pages (http:// fourchicksflippingpages. weebly.com)
- Fathomless Reveries (http://www. fathomlessreveries.blogspot. com)
- Travels n Reads (http://www.travelsnreads.com)
- My 5 Monkeys (http://www.tableforseven- julie.blogspot.com)
- Maf's Crazy Book Life (https://mafscrazybooklife. blogspot.com)
- The Phantom Paragrapher (www.thephantomparagrapher. blogspot.com)
December 5th
- Painful Reads (http://painfulreads.blogspot. com)
- T & G Book Boutique (tgbookboutique.blogspot.com)
- Jenuine Cupcakes (http://www.jenuinecupcakes. blogspot.com)
- Books are Love (hello-booklover.tumblr.com)
- Love In Every Page (http://loveineverypage. weebly.com/blogs.html)
- Curling Up With A Good Book (curling-up-with-a-good-book. blogspot.com)
- Tigerlily Books (www.tigerlilybooks76. blogspot.com)

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